[NCC] Fwd: [MRRC] Wanna Join PJ2T CQWW CW Team?

Jim K8MR via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Thu Oct 2 10:08:12 EDT 2014

 From: jmaass at k8nd.com
To: mrrc at contesting.com
Sent: 10/2/2014 4:07:03  A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
Subj: [MRRC] Wanna Join PJ2T CQWW CW  Team?

The PJ2T Multi-Multi team has suffered a drop-out of an  operator for the
CQWW CW Contest in November.

If you are a  skilled CW operator who wouldn't mind travelling to warm 
around  Thanksgiving and dealing with large pileups with a view of the
Caribbean  waves, let me know and I'll refer you to the planning folk. Pass
this on to  any NCC folk who might be interested.

73,  Jeff   K8ND

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