[NCC] Fwd: Invitation to Worked All Germany Contest this weekend

Robert Hayes via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Wed Oct 15 08:51:36 EDT 2014

Received this yesterday.  Passing along.
-----Original Message-----
From: DL8MBS <prickler.schneider at t-online.de>
To: dl8mbs <dl8mbs at darc.de>
Sent: Tue, Oct 14, 2014 4:05 am
Subject: Invitation to Worked All Germany Contest this weekend

Dear presidents and representatives of contest clubs,

this is the invitation and reminder for Worked All Germany Contest on the upcoming weekend of October 18/19th in CW and mixed on 80-10m (1500 to 1459 UTC). 

With normally more than 2000 active stations from Germany there should be enough activity for contesters to enjoy at least some hours and hopefully many hours. Therefore we kindly ask you to spread this invitation amongst your members. WAG is something for the seasoned operator enjoying running hours to Germany as well as for S&P-ops chasing still another DOK. 

WAG is more than the final test for a WWDX-setup. Even for stations normally too far or too close for a TopTen-slot WAG will satisfy the award hunter, the "fresh meat" op from a sought after location or simply give a chance to refreseh ties to Germany and its hams.

So we would be happy if you could send this invitation to your reflectors, newsletters, forums or mailing lists. And please let us also know opinions, wishes and proposals for improvement (other than for better condx).

All necessary info about WAG with rules, records and hints on our website: http://www.darc.de/referate/dx/contest/wag/en/

Thank you in advance, hopefully cu and best 73,

Chris DL8MBS
WAG Contestmanager

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