Ken Boasi n2zn at rochester.rr.com
Sun Oct 19 23:07:48 EDT 2014

Begin forwarded message:

> From: webform at b4h.net
> Date: October 19, 2014 at 10:48:36 PM EDT
> To: 3830 at contesting.com, n2zn at arrl.net
> Subject: NyQP N2ZN MobileCW LP
> Reply-To: n2zn at arrl.net
>                    New York QSO Party
> Call: N2ZN
> Operator(s): N2ZN NW2K
> Station: N2ZN
> Class: MobileCW LP
> QTH: 22 counties
> Operating Time (hrs): 12
> Summary:
> Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig Qs
> ----------------------------
>  160:                   
>   80:  153              
>   40:  362              
>   20:  430              
>   15:                   
>   10:                   
>    6:                   
>    2:                   
>  222:                   
>  432:                   
> ----------------------------
> Total:  945     0       0  Mults = 78  Total Score = 147,420
> Club: North Coast Contesters
> Comments:
> Another successful year mobiling in the NYQP.  This year, NW2K joined for the
> trip which enabled us to share driving and operating responsibilities, which
> allowed us to be on the air for the full 12 hours, and moving continuously. 
> Thanks to Dean for joining me this year; in addition to being a great operator,
> he obviously has a high tolerance for BS to sign up for a trip like this one.
> We had no major equipment problems, just a small RFI problem with the CAT
> control cable for the radio, so we abandoned the CAT control for the duration
> and made bandchanges manually. No other equipment hiccups otherwise.
> In past years, I never had an 80 meter antenna, so this year, I think adding
> one to the setup.  We also had a screwdriver antenna that was left tuned to 20,
> and the 80/40 antenna hooked to a coax switch allowed for bandchanges without
> having to retune anything, so that probably sped up the show a bit.
> No major issues out on the road, either-we managed to avoid deer and state
> troopers; the only encounter we had with a pig was an ACTUAL piglet running
> across the road upon our entry into Madison County-we stopped in the nick of
> time to avoid turning him into sausage patties.
> We are a bit short on mults because we spent most of the time CQing and not
> tuning the bands much; we also decided to forget about SSB, because with less
> efficiency on SSB from this setup, CQing would not really work too well, and
> the overall rate wouldn't be as good by tuning and working people on SSB, as
> opposed to running on CW for twice the points. We are not at all displeased
> with the final score.
> Thanks to all who called us this weekend, especially those who stopped by for
> multiple QSO's as we changed counties and bands...calls like N4PN, K1ZZI, NW0M,
> K2SSS, W2FU/0, N2LQ, K2ZR, WA2VYA, W5ASP, AA2U, OM2VL, DL5ME, DK2OY, and many
> others come to mind here.
> Also, congratulations and thank you to the other mobiles and rovers who took to
> the roads this weekend to make the NYQP experience that much better for all of
> us...guys like N2CU, WB2ABD, W2LC, NT2A, WJ2O, W3OAB, AK2X, W2M, K8MR, and
> others for putting some rare counties on the air.
> We intended to put 22 counties on the air, and ended up doing that, but we
> added one that we weren't supposed to go to because of a wrong turn (Yates),
> and missed our final planned county (Livingston) because we ran out of time to
> get there.  We ultimately did end up in Livingston to drop Dean off at his
> house, but after the contest ended (I'm sure that doesn't make anyone happy who
> missed Livingston).
> We worked 36 out of 62 counties, and ended up activating a number of counties
> that we never worked ourselves.
> Looking forward to next year already! Thanks again to everyone for all of the
> QSO's.
> 73, Ken N2ZN & Dean NW2K
> Some stats:
> QSO's by county:
> RoverLocation Total         N2ZN          
> BRM           46            46            
> CAY           26            26            
> CGO           74            74            
> CHE           38            38            
> COR           47            47            
> DEL           87            87            
> FUL           42            42            
> HAM           38            38            
> HER           23            23            
> MAD           89            89            
> MTG           35            35            
> ONE           83            83            
> ONO           32            32            
> ONT           27            27            
> OTS           29            29            
> SCO           79            79            
> SCU           33            33            
> SEN           12            12            
> STE           4             4             
> TIO           57            57            
> TOM           43            43            
> YAT           1             1             
> Total         945           945           
> Order of activation:
> OTS, DEL,  SCO, MTG, FUL, HAM, HER, ONE, MAD, ONO, CAY, SEN, ONT (approx 650
> miles).
> Station:
> Yaesu FT-857D
> ATAS-120 on 20m
> Hustler resonators on 40/80m
> N1MM logger
> Rate sheet:
> Date          Hour          Total         Running Total 
> 2014-10-18    14            57            57            
> 2014-10-18    15            69            126           
> 2014-10-18    16            78            204           
> 2014-10-18    17            72            276           
> 2014-10-18    18            74            350           
> 2014-10-18    19            99            449           
> 2014-10-18    20            94            543           
> 2014-10-18    21            74            617           
> 2014-10-18    22            95            712           
> 2014-10-18    23            75            787           
> 2014-10-19    0             73            860           
> 2014-10-19    1             85            945           
> Total         All Hours     945
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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