[NCC] Fwd: NyQP K8MR RoverMixed LP

Jim K8MR via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Mon Oct 20 21:34:04 EDT 2014

New York QSO Party

Call: K8MR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station:  K8MR

Class: RoverMixed LP
QTH: 7 Counties
Operating Time (hrs):  5.5

Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  Dig  Qs
40:  145     92      0
20:  182      5      0
15:   51      0      0
10:    2              
Total:   380     97      0  Mults = 93  Total  Score = 79,701

Club: North Coast  Contesters


Helped along by a plea by NW2K, my wife  & I headed up to New York for the
weekend to visit former neighbors in  Pittsford, and for me to spend a day
driving around the Finger Lakes and  making a few QSOs in the NYQP.

I did this two years ago, and it was a  beautiful way to spend a day.
Unfortunately this year was cloudy, windy,  and short but frequent rain 
But the radio was good. I operated  only while parked, using the "33 Foot
HamStick" on 40 and 15, and the seven  foot HamSticks on 20 and 10. Actual
operating time was about 5.5 hours, 3.5  hours of driving and putting the
antenna up and down (less than 10 minutes  per operation), and I was back 
by 0030Z to be  sociable.

Conditions were good. Forty was good at the start, but not  much activity 
on 20.
By mid afternoon that had switched, excellent short  openings on 20 to 
places as
close as Ohio and WPA, while 40 meter activity  seemed to drop off 
somewhat. It
was good to have a number of DX stations  following me around - I hope more 
will take up chasing us relatively  weak mobiles around the counties in our 
Parties here in the  States.

Neatest QSO: while approaching Ithaca I heard a car horn and  noticed a car
parked alongside the road with a couple of whips. Sure  enough, it was AD8J 
W3NO, operating W2M. I pulled over, had eyeball  QSOs, and one QSO on 20 CW 
the TOM multiplier.

The weather added  injury to insult shortly after. While set up in a city 
at the south  end of Cayuga Lake, a storm blew in. I noticed the antenna
whipping a bit,  but then a bit later I QSY'd to 15 meters to find a 
VSWR, with an  antenna laying on the ground with the DK9SQ fiberglass mast
broken where it  passed through the tripod mount. So I packed up and 
home,  stopping for a few QSOs in Cayuga and Seneca counties on the way  

It was still a good trip. Next time if it's raining maybe I'll  stop at a 
few of
the 20 wineries (and couple of brew pubs) I passed on the  way.

Next stop: off to West Virginia tomorrow to help out in their  W1AW/8 
from the very excellent QTH of WT8V.

73   -  Jim   K8MR

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