[NCC] K3LR (K8MR) SSB Sprint

Stephen Gocala kb8vao at ix.netcom.com
Sun Sep 14 13:23:12 EDT 2014

Thanks Tim for a great picnic.
Good food & great friends!
Steve, KB8VAO

-----Original Message----- 
From: Jim K8MR via NCC
Sent: Sunday, September 14, 2014 13:14
To: ncc at contesting.com
Subject: [NCC] K3LR (K8MR) SSB Sprint

Thanks to Tim for a very FB evening!  Good to see lots of the  gang.

73  -  Jim

Call: K3LR
Operator(s): K8MR
Station: K3LR
Class: Single Op  HP
Operating Time (hrs): 0:10
Band  QSOs   Op  Time
20:      12
Total:  12      Mults 10      Total Score  120

Club:  North Coast Contesters



Sitting in the K3LR shack with a bunch of the guys following Tim's NCC
picnic, I
couldn't resist picking up the headset and making a few Sprint  QSOs. I only
bothered to turn and use the bottom (of 4) 20 meter beams out  west. But
I got to see how all four of them pointed at EU played in  the WAE SSB.
very well).

Why is it when you aren't serious,  you can get two Wyoming and a Nebraska
in ten minutes?

73 - Jim  K8MR

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