[NCC] Pre K8AZ late lunch - 2:30 tomorrow at MELT

Tim Jellison w3yq at kl7wv.com
Fri Jan 2 13:18:35 EST 2015

Put me down as a maybe. Depends on what time I roll out of here in the morning. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Duffy <k3lr at k3lr.com>
To: 'North Coast Contesters' <ncc at contesting.com>, 'MRRC Mailing List' <mrrc at contesting.com>
Sent: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 11:55 AM
Subject: [NCC] Pre K8AZ late lunch - 2:30 tomorrow at MELT

Some of us will be in the Cleveland area prior to the 4 PM start time at
K8AZ tomorrow.

Some of us might like to arrive a little earlier (2:30) and just "hang out
and tell stories".

Lunch at MELT


13463 Cedar Road
Cleveland Heights, Ohio 44118

I will be going to MELT for lunch at 2:30. They have plenty of room for lots
of incoming NCC/MRRC guys.

Let me know if you are coming to MELT and I will make sure we have reserved
space. We should be done by 3:45 and then head over to K8AZ (about 20 minute


Tim K3LR

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