[NCC] [MRRC] Teams for Saturday's NAQP CW

Robert Hayes via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Tue Jan 6 00:15:20 EST 2015

I am actually trying to work out being able to put in a full effort.  Haven't done that on CW NAQP for many years. Won't know for sure for a couple of days.  But I will be on for some amount regardless of whether I can swing the whole event.  Will let you know.
73 Bob KW8N 

-----Original Message-----
From: Hal Offutt <hal at japancorporateresearch.com>
To: North Coast Contesters <ncc at contesting.com>; Mad River Radio Club <mrrc at contesting.com>
Sent: Mon, Jan 5, 2015 11:46 pm
Subject: [MRRC] Teams for Saturday's NAQP CW

My whip is out and ready to persuade everyone to get on in Saturday's 
NAQP.  This is a really fun, active and short (only 10 hours) event 
running from 1 PM Saturday through 1 AM early Sunday morning (with 
mandatory 30 minute or greater off times totaling two hours).  Even if 
the XYL invited those relatives you can't stand over for Saturday 
dinner, you can certainly get on for a few hours Saturday afternoon and 
again after they mercifully go home.   (Keep looking at your watch and 
yawn a lot to speed up their departure.)

So far, the following have indicated they will participate:

K8MR (from FL)

I assume the above ops will be on full time.  Let me know if not. Also, 
let me know if I left you off of the list.

I have one "maybe":  KW8N  How about it, Bob?

Between our two clubs we have at least another hundred or so members 
capable of operating this contest, so I expect to hear from a lot of 
folks over the next couple of days.  Let's see if we can get at least 40 
guys on teams and make a big splash in this very fun event. You will 
need to submit a note from your mother or XYL if you can't get on.

I will be operating remote from Japan, where the contest begins at 3 AM 
on Sunday.  I'm not sure whether I'll get up that early or wait until 5 
AM and take my two hours of off time in the beginning.  In any case, I 
will need to register the teams before I go to bed, which will be around 
8 AM Saturday EST, so please let me know your plans by then and 
preferably Friday night before you go to bed.

73, Hal W1NN

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