Ken Boasi n2zn at rochester.rr.com
Sun Jan 11 13:43:19 EST 2015

As always, we are grateful to Jeff for allowing us to use the station for NAQP CW. 

The station was still in M/M configuration from CQWW CW until Thursday night, when NW2K and N2ZN went over and got everything set up for M/2. This only really took about a half an hour due to the flexibility of the Green Heron Everyware software and hardware. 

Tough conditions on 80 and 160, and the scores show it. We did not even hear anything west of W5 on topband, and sometimes the close in stations were a struggle as well. Under more normal conditions, we probably would have had another 100 q's and 10 mults there. 

We did well on mults for 10 meters but QSO volume was down as well on that band. 15, 20, and 40 were great, though. We probably should have stayed on 40 a bit longer before moving that station to 160. 

Good to hear so many NCC and MRRC calls in the log on multiple bands. This is our second best score in this event, which is only surpassed by our January 2013 score. 

We will not be on as M/2 for SSB, but some of the guys on the team might be single op for that. We will probably be M/2 again for the RTTY event at the end of February. 

73 from the FU Crew (Andy, Andy, Dean, Ken & Charlie). 

Begin forwarded message:

> From: webform at b4h.net
> Date: January 11, 2015 at 1:37:59 AM EST
> To: 3830 at contesting.com, n2zn at rochester.rr.com
> Subject: NAQP CW W2FU M/2 LP
> Reply-To: n2zn at rochester.rr.com
>                    North American QSO Party, CW - January
> Call: W2FU
> Operator(s): K2TJ K0SM N2ZN NW2K W2GN
> Station: W2FU
> Class: M/2 LP
> QTH: W2
> Operating Time (hrs): 12
> Summary:
> Band  QSOs  Mults
> -------------------
>  160:  188    37
>   80:  532    60
>   40:  638    63
>   20:  553    68
>   15:  357    64
>   10:  124    51
> -------------------
> Total: 2392   343  Total Score = 820,456
> Club: North Coast Contesters
> Team: 
> Comments:
> Thanks to Jeff for allowing us use of the station again!
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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