Jim K8MR via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Wed Jan 14 14:49:12 EST 2015

I'm planning to drag the KX3 and vertical out to an edge of the water 
location for a few hours. So put me on an appropriate team.

73  -  Jim K8MR/4

-----Original Message-----
From: John S Comella <jscomella at gmail.com>
To: Robert Hayes <kw8n at aol.com>
Cc: North Coast Contesters <ncc at contesting.com>; mrrc 
<mrrc at contesting.com>
Sent: Wed, Jan 14, 2015 2:42 pm
Subject: Re: [NCC] [MRRC] NAQP SSB Teams?

Bob, I'll be on - most likely part time.

John, N8AA

On Tue, Jan 13, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Robert Hayes via MRRC 
<mrrc at contesting.com>

> Anyone interested in being on a NCC/MRRC NAQP SSB team?
> I will collect interest and register teams unless someone else would 
> to volunteer to do this?
> 73 KW8N Bob OH

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