[NCC] March/April NCJ

Jim K8MR via NCC ncc at contesting.com
Mon Mar 9 22:05:42 EDT 2015

What a great MRRC/NCC issue!

A great W8CAR feature article on his crazy trips around Ohio with K8NZ 
in the Ohio QSO Party;

MRRC Alum KU8E featured in the NCJ Profiles;

W8WWV droning on about his droning efforts at K3LR; (Sorry Greg - it 
was an FB piece. I just couldn't resist the obvious play on words!)

All put together by new editor and MRRC/NCC alum N9RV.

Best of all it even showed up on time. Last year, after temporarily 
switching my address to Florida for the winter, the ARRL was never able 
to get me another NCJ delivered to Cleveland. QST, yes, but no NCJ, 
requiring me to call and have them send me a replacement. Maybe they'll 
get things straight this year.

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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