[NCC] (no subject)

Jon Kovacs jonlk1040 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 30 14:42:48 EST 2015

            CQWWCW Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2015-11-28

    CallSign Used : K8LY
      Operator(s) : K8LY
Operator Category : SINGLE-OP-ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : LOW
             Mode : CW

           Band    QSOs    Pts  ZN    Cty
         3.5      40     105   10   26
           7     154     442   18   73
          14      94     254   25   49
          21     130     346   24   53
          28     115     322   19   54
       Total     533    1469   96  255

            Score : 515,619

Feeble attempt on my part, but points are points.  Thanksgiving,
shopping, and the weekend here has been family tradition.    Just too many
places for me to spread myself with our 6 kids and two pregnant  spouses,
6  grand kids, mother in law that took nose dive down our stairs (un
fricken believable) and as if things couldn't get any worse, our part of
Howland lost power from faulty transformer at about 9:00pm.....    My good
friend, Captain Morgan, figured as long as I was off to a bad start, I may
as well enjoy it????    With several adult beverages under my belt it
dawned on me that I wasn't totally out of power as my company truck had
very large power inverter on it for my welder and  drills etc..... soooo,
50'  #12 extension cord into garage and radio room with a power strip was
the answer.  Computers were up, rig was on, all was good??    After about
hour, things started blinking and I though what the hell....back outside I
went and  discovered that I had neglected to start truck, which made power
inverter work much better, so back on the air I was.....   Needless to say,
grandkids going to bed, my idling diesel truck making too much noise??
Your kidding I say???     Fortunately for all, Ohio Edison came through,
power miraculously came on at 11pm to save the day.....

Despite crappy dipole, 80 was ok  and hope out of what I worked that 20 of
my qso's would get me my 5 Band DXCC.  40 dipole  was awesome and could
work all I heard,  10 was ok here, not exceptional, 15  and  20 were good
as well.    Didn't work 20 at all till Sunday afternoon to finish.  Was
first time ever, even though I do "search and pounce", that I had BA, B4,
BY and BG stations call me on the side.   Not ever being on that end of the
qso before it was somewhat stressful, but rewarding in the end.

Jon K8LY

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