[NCC] CQ WorldWide phone is this coming weekend

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Sun Oct 18 21:32:10 EDT 2015

The Largest DX contest of the year is this coming weekend - and this is your
chance to be a part of the North Coast Contesters club score in the CQWW.


NCC finishes in the top scores of USA contest clubs and NCC is respected as
a TOP DX Contest Club worldwide. 


Please post your CQWW phone NCC plans here on the NCC reflector!


At the K3LR multi multi you will find the following NCC members (or soon to
be members) active:


W5OV, K3LA, N3SD, K3UA, N3GJ and K3LR


What are YOUR plans???


Let's whip up some big scores! GET ON THE AIR!


73 and GL

Tim K3LR



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