[NCC] GoFundMe Campaign for VY1JA

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Mon Sep 7 17:04:01 EDT 2015

Hi Everyone

As some of you may be aware, several contesters (including me) have been 
assisting VY1JA to set up a remotable station so that his station can be 
more active in contests.  Several ops have been using his station for 
the past six months or so but the current setup is not working right and 
is very frustrating to use.

Several of Jay's friends are trying to raise some $$ to get Jay a K3 and 
some other bits and pieces so that the station can be properly remoted.  
Gerry W1VE is leading this effort and you can read about it at the 
following website.


If you're so inclined, your donations will be greatly appreciated

Once the station is upgraded, I will try to make the VY1 mult more 
available this winter, especially in the NS/NSL, CWT and SSCW contests.  
Other remote ops will activate the station in other CW, SSB and RTTY 

73, Hal W1NN

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