[NCC] (no subject)

Ray Fallen ray.fallen.caom at statefarm.com
Fri Dec 2 08:37:45 EST 2016

Truly sad news from this morning's Daily DX.
Thanks, Bernie...

Silent Key

GW4BLE, Stephen Cole, passed away earlier today at Royal Gwent
hospital in Newport.  GW0ANA, Glyn, says Steve "fought a gallant fight
against a dreaded disease, even beating it back once, but in the end
it returned".  BLE was both a serious and accomplished DXer and
Contester.  "He was a valiant fighter as the Ham World knows in his
efforts & attainments in contesting" remembers Glyn.  Those who knew
[Steve], either over the air or in person, will reflect on how
positive and cheerful he remained while fighting his illness", said
CDXC Chairman G3SVL, Chris Duckling.


Ray Fallen CLU, ChFC, Agent
The State Farm Insurance Companies
*  Phone       330.534-8600                  * Fax:      330.534.3276
*  Cellular     330.720.5185                 *  E-Mail:  Ray at RayFallen.COM

* Address      504 East Liberty Street
                       Hubbard, Ohio 44425-2136

We're on The Internet:   www.RayFallen.COM<http://www.rayfallen.com/>

                     "God is good...but never dance in a small boat."
-       Irish Proverb

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