Eric NO3M no3m at no3m.net
Sun Dec 4 09:45:45 EST 2016

Nice to bump into a bunch of NCC / MRRC guys!  Fun weekend!  K8MR had a 
decent signal for whatever he was running in FL.

How did we fly past each other Jamie!?!?


Contest: 2016 ARRL 160-Meter Contest

                     ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: NO3M
Operator(s): NO3M
Station: NO3M

Class: Single Op HP
Operating Time (hrs): 30.3
Radios: SO2R

Total:  QSOs = 1603  Sections = 82  Countries = 50  Total Score = 491,700

Club: North Coast Contesters


Conditions seemed average overall, band is still a bit anemic; QRN was 
non-existent, so it was easy listening for hours on end.  Seemed to get a
little noisier Sunday morning before SR.

Started out with great rates, over 100 for the first 5 hours.  Had over half
the total QSOs by the end of the 0400 hour.  Some stats from CBS 

-------------- Q S O   R a t e   S u m m a r y ---------------------
Hour     160     80     40     20     15     10    Rate Total    Pct
2200     156      0      0      0      0      0    156    156    9.7
2300     152      0      0      0      0      0    152    308   19.2
0000     129      0      0      0      0      0    129    437   27.3
0100     124      0      0      0      0      0    124    561   35.0
0200     118      0      0      0      0      0    118    679   42.4
0300      99      0      0      0      0      0     99    778   48.5
0400      76      0      0      0      0      0     76    854   53.3

Gross QSOs=1722        Dupes=119        Net QSOs=1603

Unique callsigns worked = 1603

The best 60 minute rate was 168/hour from 2315 to 0014
The best 30 minute rate was 176/hour from 2343 to 0012
The best 10 minute rate was 198/hour from 0001 to 0010

The best 1 minute rates were:
  6 QSOs/minute    1 times.
  5 QSOs/minute    7 times.
  4 QSOs/minute   28 times.
  3 QSOs/minute  116 times.
  2 QSOs/minute  267 times.
  1 QSOs/minute  568 times.

Nearly 7% of total QSOs were dupes!!

Somewhere around 155-160 5 pointers worked, 147 EU.  Best night to EU was
Saturday morning at EU SR. 5 JA worked on Sunday morning before SR, all with
decent signals, but all notably "big guns".

Highlights were being called by 3B9HA for a new one on 160 and AL7TC at 
my SR
Sunday morning for the AK mult!  Missed NT which was apparently QRV based on
sweeps reported by others.

I had planned to erect a new 8-circle array at the front of the property to
increase the spacing between receive arrays to improve stereo diversity, but
ran out of time.  Hopefully it will be complete in the next week or so.
Eventually, another 8-circle array will be added in the far back, with 
(4 wavelengths) separation between the two arrays.

Fun contest as always.  Looking forward to TBDC and CQ160!

73 Eric NO3M

2x K3 SO2R
TX Four Square (independent direction control per radio)
3-el broadside beverage array NE
2-el Beverage arrays (N, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW)
BSEF 8-circle

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