[NCC] Reverse Beacon Net Spot Filters

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Mon Feb 8 08:55:46 EST 2016

Thanks to all who offered suggestions. Sorting out a CSV file seems to be the answer. I was hoping for something a bit simpler within the RBN site, but I'll deal with it.

Behind my question was the issue of promoting activity in the QSO parties beyond the usual 20/40/80 mix. Over the weekend I spent some time in the Minnesota QSO Party. Not serious, but 40 was obviously dead from FL for the day, and 20, above my local noise floor, wasn't a lot better. So at times I sat down on the suggested 15 meter CW frequency and let the CQs auto repeat. I did work some guys, though the typical MN 3830 report shows about five QSOs on 15 CW, and not many more on phone. And none on 10.

There do not appear to be any RBN skimmers in or especially close to MN. I was thinking how nice it would have been if one, operating on 15 and 10, could have told me when and how well the band was open to up there. Armed with that knowledge of how well I was getting there, or not, I would have been in a good position to try to move guys when there was a good chance of success, and not bother if there wasn't.

Might having a RBN skimmer in state (or more, especially in spread out states like MI and FL) be a goal of a well run state QSO Party?

73  -  Jim    K8MR

-----Original Message-----
From: jimk8mr <jimk8mr at aol.com>
To: mrrc <mrrc at contesting.com>; ncc <ncc at contesting.com>; fcg <fcg at kkn.net>
Sent: Sun, Feb 7, 2016 10:18 pm
Subject: Reverse Beacon Net Spot Filters

I'm coming up short on this one:

Is there a way on the Reverse Beacon Net to filter spots by both band and callsign?

I'd like to look at my RBN spots on 15 meters (Saturday). I can either get my spots, which the last 100 are for about the last 18 minutes of the Sprint last night, or 15 meter spots for everbody in the world, but I can't find spots for just me on 15 meters.

How might I do this? Or am I trying to do the impossible?

73  -  Jim  K8MR

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