Robert Hayes
kw8n at aol.com
Sun Jan 3 18:42:29 EST 2016
Right now, I will be a part-timer (like 2-3 hours). de KW8N
-----Original Message-----
From: Gerry Treas K8GT <k8gt at mi.rr.com>
To: Hal Offutt <hal at japancorporateresearch.com>; North Coast Contesters <ncc at contesting.com>; Mad River Radio Club <mrrc at contesting.com>
Sent: Sun, Jan 3, 2016 1:02 am
Subject: Re: [MRRC] NAQP CW Teams
I'll try for full time.
73, Gerry, K8GT
On 02-Jan-16 18:51, Hal Offutt wrote:
> Happy New Year Everyone!
> Now that the holiday festivities and frivolities are over, we can get
> down to what's really important - contesting!
> The NAQP is exactly one week away. It begins at 1 PM EST Saturday and
> you can operate 10 of the next 12 hours, ending at 1 AM EST Sunday
> morning. The two hour break allows for dinner with the family,
> walking the dog, painting a bedroom, washing the dishes, whatever you
> need to do to maintain domestic tranquility.
> If you need convincing as to why you should operate this event is,
> please have a look at the following:
> http://ncjweb.com/naqp-scores/cwnaqp012015.pdf
> Last year N9RV ended up with the amazing total of 1,651 contacts.
> That's in 10 hours, folks! Most of us have never had a single hour
> with 165 contacts, but Pat averaged this many contacts for 10 solid
> hours. Even the top QRP stations make 500-600 contacts in this
> event. And then there are the unbelievable scores that W2FU's team
> produce every year in the multi-two category. Last January they
> racked up 2,365 contacts. On 40 alone, Jeff's crew made 627 contacts,
> an indication that there were at least that many contesters
> participating in this event.
> I will be putting together joint NCC/MRRC teams again. Last year we
> got five teams together. While our teams have placed in the top ten
> in the August NAQP CW, conditions in the January event favor the guys
> out west so we don't do as well (even though we make more contacts in
> January than August). But I think a top ten finish is possible if we
> can assemble good teams, and that will be my goal this time. (A team
> consists of five ops.)
> Please let me know if you will be full time or part time and I will
> put together the teams accordingly.
> 73 Hal W1NN
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