[NCC] Pre-NAQP SSB Phone Fray - NAQP Practice

dfaklis at frontiernet.net dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Mon Jan 4 16:04:41 EST 2016

NAQP SSB is 16 JAN so please consider a practice session or two in the Phone Fray (Tuesday 9:30 pm EST).  The rules are essentially identical:  http://www.perluma.com/Phone_Fray_Contest_Rules.pdf

Comments from last week:

"My best Phone Fray score and lots of calls I've never worked.   Thanks to all for a fun 30 minutes."  (K4OV)

"Callers were heavy enough to make SO2R impossible."  (K7SV)

"Excellent practice and learning experience."  (K0YR)

"My first Phone Fray. I just got my Technician and General licenses last month."  (W4VRD)

That's what it is all about!  Help introduce new ops to SSB contesting.  Spread the word to your clubs and thanks!

Tuesday Nights (0230-0300z Wed).

Exchange name and state/province/country, 100W max.  

No logs, just report Phone Fray scores to http://www.3830scores.com/

Suggested center frequencies are:  21.325, 14.250, 7.175, 3.800 (avoid 3.790-3.800, and lower is better), 1.875. 

Join the free Phone Fray reflector:  https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/PhoneFray/info

Thanks!, 73, Dean, NW2K

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