[NCC] Results NCC/MRRC team 1 entry

Dan w8car at buckeye-express.com
Sun Jan 10 09:24:18 EST 2016

Hope to see everyone at the NCC bash next weelend!

                North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: W8CAR
Operator(s): W8CAR
Station: W8CAR

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10
Radios: SO2R

Band  QSOs  Mults
  160:   81    29
   80:  218    39
   40:  122    42
   20:  174    45
   15:  101    29
   10:   67    17
Total:  763   201  Total Score = 153,363

Club: North Coast Contesters

Team: NCC/MRRC Team 1

Comments:Lots of fun with a couple hours of over 100 rate. Went to 80 early as 40 seemed to sound like my mom’s old washing machine-short skip, long skip, QSB,QRN and no rate. 
Started on 80 and stayed there and let the rate go for a long time. Nice to work so many on 160 and 10 was more open than a lot realized. Nice to work so many MRRC/NCC team members-think I had at least 1 Q with almost everyone

Thanks to Hal, W1NN for his organization and drive to whip us into shape to start the new year!

HNY all


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