Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sun Jan 10 20:35:32 EST 2016


Lots of contacts with members.  6 bands with W2FU and 5 with NA8V.  I managed to miss OH on 15 and 40.  I need to monitor this better!

73, Hal

                     North American QSO Party, CW - January

Call: W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 9:45
Remote Operation

  Band  QSOs  Mults
   160:  143    37
    80:  303    52
    40:  109    42
    20:  126    40
    15:   71    25
    10:   43    16
Total:  795   212  Total Score = 168,540

Club: Mad River Radio Club

Team: NCC/MRRC Team 2


Remote from Tokyo where this contest begins at 3 AM and runs to 3 PM.  I was
planning to get up at 4 AM and use the first hour as a break but I woke up at
3:15 so I got on at 1830.

Doing this without SO2R is a disadvantage but I am thankful just to be able to
operate thanks to the fantastic remote technology available today.

I was hoping to better last year's 817 X 228 but I got off to a really poor
start on the high bands and I was pretty discouraged at the mid point.  My high
band mult total was 81 vs. 109 last year with QSOs 240 vs. 362.  I realized that
even with good low bands, I was unlikely to pull ahead of last year.  In the
end, I came very close on QSOs but even with good mult totals on 80 and 160, I
couldn't make up for the big high band deficit.  40 was the worst I have ever
heard it and mults there were 8 below last year.  I'm not sure what happened
there.  OTOH, 80 was fantastic with a lot of calls worked that I don't usually
hear in contests.  160 played well too, thanks in part to the fact that my
dipole is about 15 higher this year thanks to the bow and arrow prowess of N8TR
and his XYL.

This is one of my favorite events and I sure hope the rules stay exactly the
way they are.  It's perfect.

73, Hal W1NN
Ohio via Tokyo

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