[NCC] K8AZ Open House Jan. 16
tleek8az at gmail.com
Tue Jan 12 12:01:29 EST 2016
Hi John,
Happy New Year! Wow -- 73? I never realized you're older than Harps.
OK on the family thing -- the 'AZ party is late this year, in deference to
the RTTY contest & CW NAQP. It's always good to see you at the annual
meeting, so you will be missed.
We're going to recommend a dues holiday this year -- but Ray (ND8L) will
still accept voluntary contributions from those who are comfortable doing
that. If I recall, the annual amount is $20.
Happy Birthday and hope to CU at Dayton!
On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 11:54 AM, <ac8e at zoominternet.net> wrote:
> Hi Tom, I can not attend, wife and family taking me out for my 73rd
> birthday! (nice number) Let me know if Ray is still the treasurer or who is
> the treasurer and how much is the dues. I always had a good time at the
> open house and meeting. Say hello to all.
> 73, John AC8E
> -----Original Message----- From: tleek8az
> Sent: Friday, January 08, 2016 1:51 PM
> To: ncc ; mrrc at contesting.com
> Cc: David Pruett
> Subject: [NCC] K8AZ Open House Jan. 16
> To all NCC and MRRC members (and all other area contesters):
> Just a reminder .... the 28th annual K8AZ open house is next Saturday,
> January 16. We’ll start at 3 pm and will serve the traditional pizza
> around 6. Snacks and beverages (adult and otherwise) will be available.
> Please remember that the parking on Surrey Lane is limited because the
> street is so narrow – and it’s almost impossible if there is much snow, so
> PLEASE pack the drive with cars. We can always let someone out, but making
> the street impassible for my neighbors (which has happened in the past) is
> bad stuff.
> As a reminder, Jim, K8MR is now wintering in sunny Florida ..... so the
> annual MRRC holiday party has changed venue to the home of Jay, KB8O in
> Elyria. Elyria is around 60 minutes west of K8AZ (although it's mostly
> interstate) so the plan is for the MRRC guys to exit 'AZ around 7 pm.
> K8AZ if fine in any online database (I moved here before the Internet was
> invented by Al Gore). But if your GPS needs an address: 7275 Surrey Ln.,
> Chesterland, OH 44026 will get you here.
> Looking forward to seeing everyone on Jan. 16.
> 73/HNY,
> Tom, K8AZ
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