[NCC] NCC meeting notes (treasurer's perspective)
Ray Fallen
ray.fallen at gmail.com
Sun Jan 17 08:56:19 EST 2016
Good morning...
Thanks to K8AZ for hosting another great NCC winter get-together.
Those of you who couldn't join us missed a great time, capped off by
W8WWV's amazing video of the building
of the 96, count 'em 96 element 10 meter array at NO8D.
Greg shared with the group that the array also works nicely SWR-wise all
the way down 27 Mhz.
Breaker Breaker one-nine, indeed! Tim...I'd like to order one. When will
it be in the DX Engineering catalog?
The Treasurer's Report indicates:
NCC's treasury balance as of 1/1/15 was $2,444.51
Total dues collected in 2015 (normal dues and voluntary contributions) were
Our disbursements in 2015 were $930.95, of which two items, totaling
$450.00, were an extraordinary, one-time spend.
We paid K3LR for a seriously past due bill of $150.00 for the *2014 *Dayton
Super Suite and Scott Neider,
KA9FOX, at QTH.COM $300.00 for his invaluable assistance to Senior Web Guru
W1NN that brought
NorthCoastContesters.COM into the new century. If you haven't already,
check out your club's web site from
your computer, tablet or Smart Phone...yep, it's that good.
The other $480.95 of normal disbursements included payments for the *2015*
Super Suite, CQ World Wide Plaques
and also to QTH.COM for the 2015 web site hosting fees.
The NCC Treasury has $2753.56 in the bank as of 12/31/2015. We have one
outstanding bill from QTH.COM for $11.50
which will be paid this month.
Your treasurer's analysis was that even with $450.00 in one-time payments
and no projected extraordinary
payments for 2016...our treasury still grew by about $310.00 in 2015.
To that end, we voted to have a holiday for the 2016 NCC dues of $20.00.
However, it was also agreed that those of you who wish to make a completely
voluntary and anonymous donation,
are welcome to do so.
You may mail a check payable to Ray Fallen (uh, that would be me) to: 504
East Liberty St. Hubbard, Ohio 44425-2136.
Please do *NOT *make your check payable to NCC or ND8L as I'm unable to
deposit them.
Contrary to my accountant's training and nature, I will *not* be keeping a
list of voluntary donors...or checking it twice.
I will report TOTAL voluntary donations to the NCC reflector in a couple of
Your NCC officers for 2016 are: K8AZ - President, K3LR - Vice President,
ND8L - Secretary/Treasurer and W1NN - Senior Web Guru.
I'm sure you'll be hearing from your Contest Whips and apologize that my
notes aren't complete...but my recollection is that
they were the same as last 2015, except that Jamie, WW3S was volunteered to
be RTTY Contest Whip for 2016.
Congrats and welcome to our three new NCC Warriors. Would those of you who
sponsored those folks, please send their names, calls
and e-mail addresses to W1NN so that they may be added to the NCC Web
Roster and the NCC reflector distribution list?
Also, please forward a copy of this e-mail to those gentlemen for me.
The rest of us should also e-mail Hal, W1NN and give him an extremely well
deserved atta-boy for his outstanding work on the web site.
Ray - ND8L
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