jimk8mr at aol.com
jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Jan 17 10:10:02 EST 2016
Zero x Zero
Spent the afternoon in the sunshine and the evening watching football and being social with my visiting sister & brother-in-law. By the time that was over it was raining quite heavily, not inspiring me to turn on the radios.
Not a restful night - about 3 am the alert went off on the cable box with tornado warnings. No damage, but one did pass through a mile or two away on Siesta Key (it did also miss K5KG who lives on the Key).
I did manage a good eyeball QSO via Face Time with the crew at the MRRC meeting.
Also, I received a reply from the Hamvention flea market people that the club rates will again be in effect, and that the manual intervention needed for me to purchase the space will be taken care of. So I should get that done in the next day or so.
73 - Jim K8MR
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