[NCC] Florida QSO Party Dates

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Tue Jan 19 19:13:43 EST 2016

It hasn't hit the general news yet (I understand the FQP webmaster has some personal issues going on), but the FQP has been bumped back a week from its normal dates of April 23-24 to April 30-May 1, due to the first weekend falling on the beginning of Passover. (Though as a side benefit FQP gets some relief from conflict with an SP RTTY and the like).

Unfortunately this means that 2016 is unlikely to be the first year for K8MR/M to hit the road from Florida. 

This will also put FQP two weeks after MiQP, though I don't imagine that will have any particular impact.

73 - Jim  K8MR

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