jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Jan 27 19:58:32 EST 2016

A reminder to all that in addition to the CQ 160 CW contest, this weekend is the ARRL January VHF SS. 

It runs from 2 pm EST Saturday to 10:59 pm EST Sunday. Exchange is four digit grid square.

This is not the big VHF contest of the year, but it does have a club competition. And even if you don't have a real VHF antenna system, forty meter antennas usually load reasonably well in six meters, plus a wide range antenna tuner (such as in the K3) will likely match something or other that you have up.

Just today I received a my first certificate for a Florida operation. In last year's ARRL VHF SS, I won first place, West Central Florida, in the single operator - portable (QRP) category. My score was 2.

73  -  Jim  K8MR/4    EL87

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