[NCC] FW: CQ160 CW W2FU Multi-Op LP

Jeffrey Ach w2fu at frontiernet.net
Sun Jan 31 14:55:00 EST 2016

I have a nice looking HRO-7 here too, but it's got a power supply issue.  My
first "good" receiver was an HRO-5!!

-----Original Message-----
From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Eric NO3M
Sent: Sunday, January 31, 2016 1:24 PM
To: ncc at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [NCC] FW: CQ160 CW W2FU Multi-Op LP


Really neat to hear about some old gear getting thrown on the air for this
one, esp. that old HRO60 (have an HRO5 here that I use on 630M with modified
"F" coilset).  I switched between the main station and a homebrew 1928 MOPA
transmitter (still used the K3 for RX) during slower


Used a 1962 Vibroplex Champion for keying.  About 15W output, furthest
worked was a station in OR.  No S/P, just CQed at the bottom of the band
until hand got tired!

Didn't take this running of the contest too seriously.

73 Eric NO3M

On 01/31/2016 08:35 AM, Jeffrey Ach wrote:
> Comments:
> This was REAL FUN!
> K2TJ and I dusted off a couple of boat anchors from the late 50s to 
> see what it would be like to operate in todays crowded contest band
> Transmitter - Johnson Navigator - 25W
> Receiver - HRO-60 - 'E' coil set General Coverage 900-2050 kc
> We tried, but couldn't re-master a bug, so we cheated a bit and used 
> an MFJ keyer that had a grid block key output.  This was for the 
> benefit of those that were trying to copy our somewhat chirpy and off 
> frequency signal.  We did log and control antennas using a computer.
> I originally wanted to use my Ranger, but it didn't cooperate and 
> emitted funny clicking noises from within. When W6TR stopped by to 
> help us giggle like kids, we dug into the Ranger while TJ was 
> 'running' up somewhere between 1860 and
> 1880 kc.  Found the HV filter cap completely without capacitance 
> anymore causing the 5R4 to flash-over.  In true 50s style, we 
> clip-leaded in a 16 MF oil filled cap from an old Henry amplifier, and 
> 'swapped' in the Ranger for the Navigator.
> TJ says he felt louder (50W now) and the Ranger did look a lot sexier 
> and the meter didn't slam around like the Navigator.  It also didn't 
> chirp, but listening to it on a k3, it sounded pretty clicky to me, so 
> we yanked it after a few QSO to return to the Navigator.  I will need 
> to soften the keying up a bit before we try it again.
> No product detector
> No AGC
> Single pole xtal filter with ~ 8 KHz (errr 8 kc) 60 dB bandwidth About 
> 1/2 inch of scale for 1 Mc of the 160m band No computer CW No 
> transceive, with the wide RX, it was a real challenge to call 
> on-frequency No reaching around the open Ranger chassis...one hand in 
> your pocket
> We never really copied any Europe, but we sorta heard a few.  With the 
> wide RX bandwidth, it was really hard to hear any weak ones.  I did 
> copy a KP4, and CW5W was quite loud.
> Next time we may move up to the 60s where we can get some narrower 
> bandwidth and use radios from the SSB era!  We also need to practice 
> with the Vibroplex bug.
> Jeff
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