[NCC] (no subject)

Jon Kovacs jonlk1040 at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 11:33:51 EST 2016

                  CQWWCW Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2016-11-26

    CallSign Used : K8LY
      Operator(s) : K8LY

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
Assisted Category : ASSISTED
             Band : ALL
            Power : LOW
             Mode : CW

         Software : N1MM Logger+ 1.0.5969.0

        Band     QSOs     Pts  ZN   Cty  Pt/Q
         3.5      22      56    6   17   2.5
           7      53     127   14   35   2.4
          14      68     184   16   40   2.7
          21      83     218   12   35   2.6
          28      41     105    9   21   2.6
       Total     267     690   57  148   2.6

            Score : 141,450

   Part time was my plan, and not really the greatest effort on my part,
but perhaps my selection of times for 40/80 meters was not so good.   It
was a case of stations pegging my s-meter but not hearing me, or stations
that I could barely hear that were coming back to me and leaving me that
feeling that my call was busted!..... again, what I'd give for a 40 beam or
rotatable dipole..... Inverted V's on both 40 and 80 just didn't seem to do
the trick this time which was sort of a downer as all the leaves are off
our trees so I was hoping for just a bit more?   10 meters was hit or miss
but somewhat better on Sunday, 15 was ok on Saturday but was pretty much
DUPE city on Sunday!    Didn't do any 20 until Sunday so not much issue
there.      Was really trying to concentrate on 80 for my 5-band dxcc as I
only need 6 more countries, but considering conditions and my inverted V,
not so sure this is going to happen, just keep working same countries over
and over..... Would love some idea between now and ARRL DX contest to
improve on 40/80????

Perhaps I need to get out of my S&P mode, but it does work for me.

Whatever the case it was fun, house was full of our families and grandkids
coming and going to the Mall's for shopping.  xyl was telling grandkids to
stay out of the basement and grandpa's radio room, so they would come to my
doorway and peek in....sooo funny!

73,  Jon K8LY
Howland Township, Warren, OH

Posted score on 3830

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