[NCC] NY QSO Party Inside! - October 15

dfaklis at frontiernet.net dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Mon Oct 10 11:15:03 EDT 2016


Saturday is the Big Day and full information is located at www.nyqp.org.  48 colorful plaques (NY, US, VE, DX and Clubs) have been sponsored by the Plaque Sponsorship Team.  Please take a minute to upload your fixed or mobile plans to the following page.  It's easy and helps the other operators chase counties and action.


Don't forget to take lots of pictures of your participation and write a nice summary.  Bill K2TER is writing a complete report of NYQP and would benefit greatly from your stories and pictures.  Please communicate with Bill using:

brogers at rochester.rr.com 

If you are a member of amateur radio reflectors in NA and DX, please post a note about NYQP on those reflectors.  Please help spread the word.

We've reached out to IA and SD to cooperate with them since their QSO parties are on the same date as ours.  We'd log them as RST IA and they would log us as RST NY.  The adventurous types will log the proper counties but all of us can submit our logs to each other in an effort to boost overall participation and camaraderie.  The county maps, abbreviations, rules and log submission guidelines are here:

IA (October 15, 2016 from 1400Z - 2300Z):  http://wa0dx.org/IAQSO/

SD (October 15, 1800Z to October 16, 1800Z):  http://www.kb0wsw.com/SDQP/page_home.html

Thanks!  73, Dean, NW2K for the NYQP Team


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