[NCC] Fwd: MiQP K8MR Single Op LP

Jim Stahl jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Apr 16 16:10:18 EDT 2017

Sorry I’m not longer able to make MiQP from Michigan, but only a little sorry :-)

We had an evening engagement from about 5pm to 10pm. I hoped to get on and have some good late evening fun on 40 and 80, but that didn’t happen. It was noisy down here, and looking at the radar maps it was probably worse up there. K8MQP, KM8CC, and N8EA didn’t hear me lots of times on 80 CW, in spite of being pretty loud down here. NA8V won the good ears award. 

Good to catch all the MRRC friends, especially W8RU, who got me started in all this mobile contesting craziness with the MiQP back in about 1999.

73  -  Jim  K8MR

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: webform at b4h.net
> Subject: MiQP K8MR Single Op LP
> Date: April 16, 2017 at 12:07:02 AM EDT
> To: 3830 at contesting.com, k8mr at arrl.net
> Reply-To: k8mr at arrl.net
> Michigan QSO Party
> Call: K8MR
> Operator(s): K8MR
> Station: K8MR
> Class: Single Op LP
> Operating Time (hrs): 5
> Summary:
> Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs
> --------------------
>   80:    1      0
>   40:   13      0
>   20:   38     14
>   15:            
>   10:            
> --------------------
> Total:   52     16  CW Mults = 31  Ph Mults = 13  Total Score = 5,192
> Club: Florida Contest Group
> Comments:
> After many years of driving around Michigan for the MiQP, I do feel an urge to
> show up for MiQP. Following K8IR around a lot of the counties I visited many
> times was fun.
> I was able to keep plugging away on 20 during the day, but the last two hours
> after an evening engagement were brutal. Storms in MI and WI must have made
> things tough up there, as a number of loud stations CQ'd in my face on 80, and
> were not hearing other callers as well.
> See you from the road in the Florida QSO Party in two weeks.
> 73  -  Jim  K8MR
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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