[NCC] K8MR FQP Preliminary Report

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun Apr 30 21:07:08 EDT 2017

Home safe and sound after a very enjoyable trip. Single op, mixed mode, no driver.

Per N1MM:

40:  115    21
20:  952    81
15:   42      2

Tot:  1109  104     Mlts:  CW  61   SSB: 36


Not in N1MM: A whole bunch of CW QSOs that I recorded while in motion and have yet to be transcribed. I'm estimating 300 more. One more CW mult that I can recall.

A few minor very minor problems (two flakey paddle cables) and a few things the op has to learn to do better (select the proper headset/handheld mic for the K3), but otherwise things played well.

With our immediate task at hand of closing up the condo to head north on Tuesday morning, those QSOs won't get transcribed for a while. I'm not planning a formal 3830 post until I do.

Thanks to all who followed me around on this steamy weekend!

73  -  Jim

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