[NCC] Rotating tower for sale
tleek8az at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 12:11:38 EDT 2017
To NCC and MRRC members:
Greetings to all. Many of you have seen the 130' rotating Rohn 45 tower at
K8AZ, which I installed about 25 years ago when John, K3TUP -- the tower's
original owner -- moved from his rural home to a tony subdivision and sold
me the tower and the antennas. That tower and those antennas propelled
K8AZ to a new level of contesting success. (We dubbed it the "TUP Tower"
in John's honor.)
What many may NOT know is that tower is a "twin". The designer and
engineer who made the bearings for the tower is Hudson DXer and contester
Bill MacCracken, W8JGU. Bill constructed an identical tower (base bearing
plus 3 rotating guy rings) (although only to 110') at his home in Hudson,
and has used it there since. Last week, Bill contacted me and requested
that I get the word out that he has decided to take that tower down and
sell both the tower and the antennas. The tower also includes Bill's
patented "guy-thru" devices which allow for the raising of large yagis
horizontally, without the need for a tram or to drop guy wires. (Folks who
have been to N8TR's may have seen them there as well.)
Anyone interested in the tower and antennas should contact Bill directly at
W8JGU1 at gmail.com or 330-679-8548. Bill promises that he is interested in
working out a fair deal and will make pricing very attractive.
>From experience, I can assure that this is absolutely top quality
engineering and despite the heavy loading of my own tower, I have
experienced zero problems since I acquired it. I also know Bill has superb
antennas and is a top DXer, so this is a real opportunity for anyone
looking to make a big station improvement.
Tom, K8AZ
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