[NCC] Ohio QSO Party - looking for more mobiles!

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Wed Aug 23 14:38:14 EDT 2017

Now that the sun has returned to its regularly scheduled programming, it's time to think about the next on-air operating event - the Ohio QSO Party, this Saturday from noon to midnight EDT.

We can still use some more mobiles to join us on Saturday. The weather forecast for Saturday is beautiful - mid 70s and sun. Great for being out on the road touring Ohio. And there are even a couple of spots on the sun that still ought to be around for the weekend.

We hope you can come on down, or over, to join us. County activity plans are on the OhQP website, www.ohqp.org. And of course, even if you're not able to come drive around, we still would love to have you join us on the air from home!

73  -  Jim   K8MR

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