Ray Fallen ray.fallen at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 23:51:15 EDT 2017

Good morning...

We've got a few spots open for the K3LR CQWW RTTY Team
 the weekend of September 23-24.  Shifts will run approximately
 3-4 hours.  We really need some guys from Noon to Midnight
 (local time) on Saturday and overnight Friday and Saturday.

We will have two interlocked run stations on the same band,
 a mult station and will be using Elecraft K3's, so there are
 plenty of opportunities to operate.  Our category is Multi Single/Low

Right now, the Team consists of WW3S, K3GP, K8CX, K3LA, N8NB,
 ND8L and our host K3LR.

Hopefully you have some experience with N1MM Logger+, MMTTY and
 RTTY Contesting, if not...we can get you up to speed.

If you're interested, please drop me an e-mail or call my cell phone:

73 de ND8L

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