[NCC] Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party - Antique Wireless Association

dfaklis at frontiernet.net dfaklis at frontiernet.net
Mon Dec 4 07:09:43 EST 2017

The Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party is an annual Antique Wireless Association sponsored event where participants build their own transmitters using the designs, techniques, and tubes that were available in 1929 and earlier, and try to contact as many other stations as possible.  

It is a cacophony of whooping, chirping, buzzing, clicking, drifting, swishing, swaying, warbling, and other interesting signals.  This is what ham radio sounded like in 1929 and for two weekends in December it’s 1929 again on 160/80/40!

Here are the details, including information on how to build your own transmitter.  It's cheap, easy and rewarding.  DX is welcome!


Dec. 9 at 2300z to Dec. 10 at 2300z

Dec. 16 at 2300z to Dec. 17 at 2300z

New rules allow for a thundering 25W INPUT.  

To learn more about AWA, the Museum's latest programming, and to join to help preserve our heritage, check out the website at:  http://www.antiquewireless.org/

If you need assistance, send me a note!  There is an army of Elmers willing to help you get on the air for the BKQP.

PS  There will be a team operating from W2FU on 16 DEC on 160/80/40 with a goal to work as much DX as possible.  I'm almost sure that Eric NO3M will be on both weekends as well.  Both stations have gain and excellent RX.  

Whether you're using a 1929 transmitter or not, please call when you hear a vintage signal!

73, Dean, NW2K

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