[NCC] Greetings

Scott Jones n3ra at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 6 15:39:59 EST 2017

Hope everyone is doing well.  Although I have been very inactive for awhile, I am hoping to start changing that finally.    With two kids in college and the other a Junior in HS, it is time!!  Hopefully will have some all band antenna’s soon and can start getting on the air again.   Really really really .........  miss that.  

I thought I would post on here some things I am going to try and sell.  Going to sell these, if I can, so I can buy a 7300, new dedicated PC and whatever interface stuff I need to get up and running on CW, SSB and data.  Hopefully the headset I have will work.  The new 7610 looks very nice but probably can't raise enough for that right now.  :-)    Looking forward to seeing Sherwood test on the 7610.  If you know anyone who
might be interested please let me know.

-Two IC-765's - one has low 10m power.  Have the original LR mods, etc. 
-FT736 with 6, 2 and 430 modules
-HR1680 receiver
-Realistic DX160 SW receiver
-Diawa CN801 new watt meter. Never used
-2 sets of original W3NQN filters.  Never used

Thanks much and 73

Scott, N3RA

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