[NCC] RAC Contest

jimk8mr at aol.com jimk8mr at aol.com
Fri Dec 29 19:26:14 EST 2017

A reminder that the RAC winter contest is now in progress, until 2359Z Saturday. Canada sends province, rest of the world sends serial numbers.

Although this is a Canadian contest, anybody can work anybody. Working other USA stations in a Canadian contest may be feel a bit like kissing your sister, but sometimes you might want to do it, at least if you are a redneck. Which led to the low point of the contest so far for me: calling W9RE and getting beat out by AF8A  :-)   .

Anyway, have some fun to finish off the year, or at least until the Stu Perry 160 meter test tomorrow night.

73  -  Jim    K8MR

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