[NCC] Fwd: TBDC W1NN Single Op LP

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sun Dec 31 21:03:28 EST 2017

Happy New Year!

This contest is like homecoming weekend - so many ham friends heard and 
worked including lots of MRRC and NCC members - too many to list.� Great 

CU in the NAQP CW in two weeks!

73, Hal

Stew Perry Topband Challenge

Call: W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 12
Remote Operation

Total:  QSOs = 481  Total Score = 1,993

Club: North Coast Contesters


1329 QSO points X 1.5 LP multiplier.  Final score will no doubt be quite

I operated my station in Ohio remote from Tokyo.  The station is pretty modest -
a K3 and a dipole.  The dipole is at about 30 feet on one end and 70 feet on the
other and runs over my pond.  My only advantage is that operating this contest
remote from Japan makes it a totally daytime operation for me.  I started around
8 AM my time and ended at 10 PM (Ohio sunrise) with a couple hours break in
between for meals, etc., so no lost sleep.  As the rate declined, I got a lot of
newspaper reading in while Win-test called CQ.  Speaking of Win-Test, I really
like the grid square map that fills in each grid as you work it.  Lots of fun to
see where you are working.

Conditions were excellent.  The band was quiet and I think I must have worked
more west coast stations than in any other 160 contest - almost forty 6 and 7
point contacts.  Quite a few called me, which doesn't usually happen. I also
managed to work 16 EU stations, quite a good performance for my little station.
It's been a while since I worked KH6 on this band but this time KH6LC was easy
to find and work.  Nice job, Lloyd.  I heard a loud KH6DX calling someone but he
was S&P and I didn't hear him calling CQ.

Lots of fun.  Thanks Tree, Lew and everyone for all the work in putting on this

HNY from Tokyo.

73, Hal W1NN (also 7J1AAI)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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