[NCC] W0S - Parade Float Mobile - July 4th

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Mon Jul 3 22:16:16 EDT 2017


Listen for W0S op'g from the St Charles ARC Independence Day parade float
beginning about 1500 UTC. Yours truly will be in disguise as Abe Lincoln,
sending the Gettysburg Address on the W1AW Centennial Vibroplex paddle.
Following the address which takes about ten minutes, I will be QRV for all
callers. The frequency will be around 7040-7045 kHz. I will also be QRV from
the staging area before the parade starts...maybe 1430 UTC?


Lincoln was quite a telegraph aficionado and spent a lot of time in the
telegraph office across the street from the White House. The address is, of
course, one of the most resonant in American history. The combination is a
good one for the day.


73, Ward N0AX 


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