[NCC] Treasurer's Report

Ray Fallen ray.fallen.caom at statefarm.com
Mon Jul 17 17:16:57 EDT 2017


My apologies for the tardiness of this report.

There have been no dues or other income received since May 1, 2017.

There was one payment to Tim Duffy for the Dayton Hamvention Super Suite for $150.00.

The balance in the NCC Treasury is $2,056.46 as of July 17, 2017.

Hope to see you all at the NCC Summer Picnic this Friday.

73 de ND8L


Ray Fallen CLU(r) ChFC(r), Agent
The State Farm Insurance Companies
*  Phone       330.534-8600                  * Fax:      330.534.3276
*  Cellular     330.720.5185                 *  E-Mail:  Ray at RayFallen.COM<mailto:Ray at RayFallen.COM>

* Address      504 East Liberty Street
                       Hubbard, Ohio 44425-2136

We're on The Internet:   www.RayFallen.COM<http://www.rayfallen.com/>

"Everybody has a plan...until they get punched in the face."
-       Mike Tyson

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