[NCC] Breezeshooters Antique Radio Demo
Eric NO3M
no3m at no3m.net
Thu Jun 1 00:30:30 EDT 2017
If all goes as planned, I will be doing an on-air demo of a complete
1930s Amateur station at the Breezeshooters Hamfest this coming Sunday
in Butler, PA. The receiver is based on a 1934 QST superhet and the
transmitter is a three-stage, triple decker outfit based on some 30s QST
articles and the 1936 Handbook. The station will be QRV on 40M as W8CDX
at various times between 8AM and 12PM. Any attendees are welcome to
operate the station.
Hope to see some fellow NCCers in person. If you don't plan to attend,
maybe work us on the air! I'll try to post spots to the DX cluster
if/when the station is QRV.
73 Eric NO3M
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