[NCC] Fwd: ARRL June VHF W1NN Single Op LP

R.T.Liddy k8bl at ameritech.net
Mon Jun 12 11:26:31 EDT 2017

I spotted fellow NCC'ers often. But, I didn't find Packet spots allthat useful since I couldn't hear most of them anyway. What wasmost helpful to me was the bandscope on my IC-7700 that showsthe activity that is actually being heard. I'd let it sit there when I tooka short break and come back and hit the Hold button and then I'dcruise across the Band and work those blips if they were still there.- Bob  K8BL
      From: Jeffrey Ach <w2fu at frontiernet.net>
 To: 'Hal Offutt' <hal at japancorporateresearch.com>; 'Mad River Radio Club' <mrrc at contesting.com>; 'North Coast Contesters' <ncc at contesting.com> 
 Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 8:12 AM
 Subject: Re: [NCC] Fwd: ARRL June VHF W1NN Single Op LP
About two(Three or four?) years ago, the ARRL VHF contests allow full
spotting assistance in ALL categories!  This includes Self Spotting to alert
that folks that you are on what frequencies and even what direction you are
beaming.  This also includes chat rooms, (JT65 and Scatter boards) as well.
You are NOT allowed to exchange any contact information of course.

This is completely underutilized in my opinion.  I don't recall seeing
anyone (other than myself) using it except on Ping Jockey Central for meteor

I hardly did it because I didn't see anyone else doing it!!  but I used it
last year to pretty good service, and for Rovers, I don't see how they can
NOT be self spotting.  As a former rover, that was the most frustrating
thing going not being able to tell everyone that you arrived and where you

7. Miscellaneous:  

    7.1 All entrants, regardless of category, are permitted to use spotting
assistance or nets including but not limited to DX-alerting nets, internet
chat rooms, APRS and other packet, reverse beacon networks and repeaters to
identify stations available for contacts and to announce (self-spot) their
availability for contacts. Announcements shall be limited to call sign,
location, band or frequency, mode and-if applicable-transmitting sequence
and listening direction. These methods of spotting assistance may also be
used to coordinate antenna peaking prior to initiation of the contact and to
explain contest rules, such as the exchange required, for those who need
clarification. Such assistance may not be used to facilitate the completion
of any contact once the contact has commenced. This means such assistance
may not be used to convey receipt or non-receipt of any required element of
a contact or to request a repeat of any required element of a contact.

-----Original Message-----
From: NCC [mailto:ncc-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Hal Offutt
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2017 6:54 AM
To: Mad River Radio Club; North Coast Contesters
Subject: [NCC] Fwd: ARRL June VHF W1NN Single Op LP

Nice job by the C6ATA team.  Nice call sign on CW.  Never heard them on

I didn't realize that there are no non-assisted categories.  No Internet in
my shack anyhow so I couldn't use it if I wanted to. Does assistance help in
a contest where most stations can't hear each other?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:     ARRL June VHF W1NN Single Op LP
Date:     Mon, 12 Jun 2017 11:37:10 +0000
From:     webform at b4h.net
Reply-To:     hal at japancorporateresearch.com
To:     3830 at contesting.com, hal at japancorporateresearch.com

ARRL June VHF Contest

Call: W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: Single Op LP
Operating Time (hrs): 5

  Band  QSOs  Mults
    6:  68    31
Total:  68    31  Total Score = 2,108

Club: North Coast Contesters


Now I know what it's like to be a fish in a barrel.  This must be a fun
contest if you live in Florida.

No VHF antennas here but the 40 meter dipole seemed to work fairly well.  I
even had some responses to my CQs.  Contact breakdown:  CW 55, SSB 13.

Best DX was K0GU in DN70.  I heard one loud station in the AZ/NM area work
someone but he was S&P and I never heard him again. More people need to call

C6ATA was booming in on Sunday afternoon.

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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