[NCC] W8CDX Field Day Reminder

Eric NO3M no3m at no3m.net
Fri Jun 23 11:26:43 EDT 2017

Just a reminder for anyone interested in stopping out at the farm here 
for Field Day:

NO3M QTH as per QRZ:

22889 Mitchell Rd
Saegertown PA


Sign at end of driveway "NO3M / W8CDX"

Food in slow cookers all afternoon Saturday: sloppy joes, dogs / brats 
in kraut, baked beans, potato and macaroni salad.  Various beverages.

Donuts for Sunday morning

QRV from 2PM Sat to 3AM or so Sun, back up by 8AM Sunday

Despite rain today (Friday), Saturday and Sunday are looking great, sun 
and comfortable temps.

Antenna will be erected sometime Saturday morning.

Equipment is more or less ready to go, some minor things to finish up 
tonight.  40/80/160 planned. 100W.

73 Eric NO3M

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