Eric NO3M
no3m at no3m.net
Sun Jun 25 20:04:55 EDT 2017
Lots of fun this weekend.
Started out with trying to get the generator running. Problem ended up
being varnished gas in the carb from being in storage so long. After
getting that cleaned out, ran fine. Got the antenna up just shortly
before 2PM Sat.
The equipment generally worked well, the biggest issue being chirp
depending on how the stages in the rig were tuned. RX worked well, but
still having occasional fits of frequency jumping. Stuff to work on
over the next year.
We made 305 QSOs, 151 on 40M and 154 on 80M. It was nice to catch
several NCC and MRRC guys, Tim's group on 80, Jamie's group (W3MIE) on
40 and 80, and wrapped up 80M for the night with K3UA and W3USA (W8WTS op).
Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.
73 Eric NO3M
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