Eric NO3M
no3m at no3m.net
Mon Jun 26 11:42:17 EDT 2017
Quickly made post on my website with some photos:
On 06/25/2017 08:04 PM, Eric NO3M wrote:
> Lots of fun this weekend.
> Started out with trying to get the generator running. Problem ended
> up being varnished gas in the carb from being in storage so long.
> After getting that cleaned out, ran fine. Got the antenna up just
> shortly before 2PM Sat.
> The equipment generally worked well, the biggest issue being chirp
> depending on how the stages in the rig were tuned. RX worked well,
> but still having occasional fits of frequency jumping. Stuff to work
> on over the next year.
> We made 305 QSOs, 151 on 40M and 154 on 80M. It was nice to catch
> several NCC and MRRC guys, Tim's group on 80, Jamie's group (W3MIE) on
> 40 and 80, and wrapped up 80M for the night with K3UA and W3USA (W8WTS
> op).
> Hope everyone enjoyed the weekend.
> 73 Eric NO3M
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