Jim Stahl jimk8mr at aol.com
Sun May 28 21:04:52 EDT 2017

Thanks again for the use, as limited as it was, of the NCC club call. Good to give K3LR the NC8 mult on 15 meters.

73  -  Jim

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: webform at b4h.net
> Subject: WPX CW NC8C(K8MR) SOAB(TS) HP
> Date: May 28, 2017 at 9:01:57 PM EDT
> To: 3830 at contesting.com, k8mr at arrl.net
> Reply-To: k8mr at arrl.net
> CQWW WPX Contest, CW
> Call: NC8C
> Operator(s): K8MR
> Station: K8MR
> Class: SOAB(TS) HP
> QTH: Ohio
> Operating Time (hrs): 1.5
> Summary:
> Band  QSOs
> ------------
>  160:     
>   80:     
>   40:     
>   20:   83
>   15:    9
>   10:   25
> ------------
> Total:  117  Prefixes = 102  Total Score = 22,440
> Club: North Coast Contesters
> Comments:
> Memorial Day weekend is always a busy time for me, and more so this year as we
> did not get back from spending the winter in Florida until May 15. I do like to
> put out the usually unique NC8 prefix as NC8C, the North Coast Contesters club
> call, and was again able to do so.
> I finally turned on the radio Sunday morning, and saw that the bands were
> obviously broke. So I went out to do yard work for the next few hours. I came
> back around 20Z and the bands were less bad, so I fired up. Nearby thunderstorm
> QRN made things tough, but still it was nice running from a real station after a
> winter with low power and hidden antennas in Florida.
> After things slowed up on 20, I worked a few guys on 15 and noticed loud
> signals from the SE USA. So I QSY'd to 10 and found signals there too. So I
> went into VHF contest mode (well, no grid squares) and enjoyed the Es. As
> things slowed up there (I was actually "running" for a while)the
> t-storms moved in and that was all for the contest.
> 73  -  Jim  K8MR
> Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.3830scores.com/

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