[NCC] Fwd: PaQP W1NN Single Op CW LP

Hal Offutt hal at japancorporateresearch.com
Sun Oct 15 22:55:00 EDT 2017

Lots of fun playing vintage radio op this weekend.  I looked for K8MR 
throughout Saturday afternoon as he drove across PA but only heard him 
once and he disappeared before I could zero beat him.

I did work fellow vintage radio op NO3M on three bands.  You sounded 
great Eric.  K8RYU was evidently mobile in PA but I only heard and 
worked him in one county.

73, Hal W1NN

Pennsylvania QSO Party

Call: W1NN
Operator(s): W1NN
Station: W1NN

Class: Single Op CW LP
Operating Time (hrs): 6

  Band  CW Qs  Ph Qs  RTTY Qs  PSK31 Qs
   160:   10
    80:   17
    40:   76
Total:  103     0       0         0  Mults = 37  Total Score = 14,022

Club: North Coast Contesters


This month marks the 60th anniversary of getting my ticket back in October of
1957.  My call then was KN8HVT.  To commemorate the occasion, I hauled out my old
Viking Ranger and Hammarlund HQ-110C and fired them up.  Amazingly they
still work after years of just sitting there.  The RX is the original radio I
purchased in 1958 while still a Novice and has been in its box for most of the
last 50 years.  I bought the Ranger about 10 years ago from another ham but it
is identical to the one I bought in kit form right after I upgraded to a
General in 1958. Yesterday was the first time I plugged it in and I am so happy
that it works.  Boy, does that radio get warm!  It could almost provide enough
heat for the whole second floor of my house.

The PAQP was the perfect event for testing the old radios.  It took a little
getting used to hearing both sidebands in the RX - it makes the bands sound
very crowded.  It took a little getting used to zero beating each station but
after I figured out the technique, most stations could hear me.  I still have
my original Vibroplex bug but I couldn't make the CW sound very good so I sent
everything with a straight key at about 12 wpm.

Low band conditions were very good and the FRC boys really did a great job.
Thanks to everyone for a lot of fun over six decades!

73, Hal W1NN

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