[NCC] Tower Work

Anthony Luscre k8zt at arrl.net
Mon Oct 16 12:01:45 EDT 2017

I am looking for someone I can hire to do some tower work at my home.

They will need to use bucket/lift as the Tower is a Glenmartin M-1850a
<http://glenmartin.com/m-1850a-50%E2%80%B2-m-18-radio-tower-package/> 50
foot nonclimable aluminum.
Antenna Sommer XP-708
log periodic
Glenmartin Hazer stuck at top of tower after winch cable snapped

   1. Replace pulley at top of tower (I have all parts)
   2. Replace steel winch cable (I have all parts)
   3. Check operation

Location ~12 miles north of Akron

*Anthony Luscre*

Assistant Ohio Section Manager for Education Outreach
ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™

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