[NCC] From this morning's Daily DX - congrats K3LR!

Ray Fallen ray.fallen.caom at statefarm.com
Mon Oct 30 10:53:16 EDT 2017


DX News

The CQ WW DX SSB Contest was the last two days with a lot of DX
activity all of the world, and traveling, globetrotting, DXers.  One I
noticed, a ham from Sakhalin Island in far eastern Russia, on the
Pacific, went to Morocco to join a team there for the weekend event.
Amazing, hobby, amazing times, amazing world!  Some of the top (non-
US) multis had scores of 33 million even 38 million points.  A44A and
A73A were among some of the "exotics" putting on big operations.

Here are the top multi-multi scores from the US, as benchmarks.  W3LPL
says there were only two big multi-multis on the air in the US this
year, with K3LR racking up another big win.  W3LPL was handicapped by
some of his regular ops having personal and business conflicts, plus
"last minute personal and family medical emergencies," so his station
was not fully manned this time.  One I noticed, regular 20M "lead
butt" at W3LPL, K3RA (who also heads up the annual W3AO Field Day and
is a highly-praised licensing class teacher in Maryland at HEMARC, the
Historic Electronic Museum ARC) was one of the V26B Antigua ops this
time with N3OC, N3BNA and others.

Still, no excuses, credit where credit is due, K3LR has put together
an amazing "program" at his station, bringing in world class ops years
after year.  Not a multi-multi but P40W by W2GD has now been on in the
big DX contests for 30 years, 120 contest operations from Aruba by
John.  Congrats to K3LR, W3LPL, P40W/W2GD and the many others for the
hard work and years of effort, making these "activity weekends" fun
for all of us, as contenders, participants or even as "just

Band    QSOs Zones Ctys
160      543    18   59
80       818    27  102
40      2099    36  135
20      2852    39  156
15      2947    33  146
10       372    21   52
        9631   174  650
20.1 million

Band    QSOs Zones Ctys
160      429    17   61
 80      681    22   95
 40     1821    34  127
 20     2405    36  141
 15     1832    30  135
 10      438    18   47
        7686   157  606
15.2 million

Ray Fallen CLU(r) ChFC(r), Agent
The State Farm Insurance Companies
*  Phone       330.534-8600                  * Fax:      330.534.3276
*  Cellular     330.720.5185                 *  E-Mail:  Ray at RayFallen.COM<mailto:Ray at RayFallen.COM>

* Address      504 East Liberty Street
                       Hubbard, Ohio 44425-2136

Visit us on The Internet:   www.RayFallen.COM<http://www.rayfallen.com/>

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-       Will Rogers

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