[NCC] Congratulations to Al K3LC!

Tim Duffy k3lr at k3lr.com
Thu Sep 14 11:18:09 EDT 2017

Good morning!

In the interest of full disclosure, the actual design of this antenna was
performed by Joe Johnson, K3RR.   He and I are listed as the co-winners of
the antenna contest (80-10m), but he designed and built the array, which
works on the 80-meter band.    Joe is retired from the FCC, and lives just
west of Gettysburg in south-central PA.    I constructed a computer model of
the antenna (using EZNEC) and ran several simulations of the array, in order
to optimize its performance and to create the plots of the radiation

Thanks and 73,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Duffy [mailto:k3lr at k3lr.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 13, 2017 9:40 PM
To: members at w3lif.org; ncc at contesting.com; Christman, Alan M.; Boatright,
Cory D.
Subject: Congratulations to Al K3LC!
Importance: High

Congratulations to Al, K3LC on winning first prize in the ARRL Antenna
Contest 80 to 10 meters!

Very nice to have a Mercer County ham win a big award!



Tim K3LR

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