[NCC] Fw: ARRL 160 K8BL SO Unlimited LP

R.T.Liddy k8bl at ameritech.net
Sun Dec 2 15:49:00 EST 2018

                    ARRL 160-Meter Contest

Call: K8BL
Operator(s): K8BL
Station: K8BL

Class: SO Unlimited LP
Operating Time (hrs): 10

Total:  QSOs = 550  Sections = 52  Countries = 20  Total Score = 84,600

Club: North Coast Contesters


Nice condx on Friday, but QRN made it a little difficult on Saturday. Activity
seemed pretty good, but not wall-to-wall like in previous years. EU coming in
nicely on Sat evening. 

Still don't have decent antennas up since moving to new QTH last year. My 160M
antenna for now is simply a 124 ft LW as an INV-L up 30 ft through a 9:1 UNUN
(Balun Designs) and 2 elevated radials and facing 45/225 degrees.

Station: IC-7700, MFJ-490X Keyer, Old CT-WIN 10.04 on older Win-XP

Gripe: Some Stations were only sending their Section without the 599. The Rules
 state the Exchange is RST+Section for US/VE. Follow the Rules like everyon
else or don't participate!

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